Greetings from Pump House Studios.
It has been some time since my last blog, I find my time limited with working, going to university, painting for Cannibals Gallery and the day to day chores we all have to do.
I hope and always plan to write more frequently. So with out further ado I give you my latest musings about some highlight of my life that I have enjoyed the last few months. In April I had the chance to go see the Pacific Northwest Coast Kwakiutl ceremonial Indian dance and story telling at Lelooska’s Cultural Center thanks to my friend Larry Cwik.
This was an amazing night and brought back fond memories from my childhood when my parents where studying Northwest coast Indian art at the University of Washington with Bill Holm in the 1970s. I found the night to be entertaining and enriching. We are lucky to have this cultural treasure in our back yard so please take a look and go to one of their presentations. http://www.lelooska.org/
On May 1st I went to the Cascade Aids Project 21st annual Art Evening and Auction at the Bison Building with my friend Quiche. The party has been happening every year since 1990 to raise money to help fight HIV and AIDS. I find it outstanding to see so many diverse people coming together to do good. I was very pleased that my painting sold again this year. http://www.cascadeaids.org .AIDS Walk of Portland this year is October 3, 2010.
On May 21st Tess Morgan and I went to see the Rose City Rollers VS the Rat City Roller Girls at the Expo Center in Portland. If you haven’t gone to a Roller Derby you need to go, this is one hell of a good time, and as they say, it’s a game Brutal Beauty. Web sites are
http://www.rosecityrollers.com and http://ratcityrollergirls.com
I believe that one page of text is more than enough to subject you to. That being said I hope that all is well with you my dear reader and that life is smiling at you with loving eyes. Your artist in the pump house.
Jason Berlin
Thanx for the update,Berlin! And congrats on your recent sales! Mark
You make me want to go to Lelooska: sounds like inspite of work chores and university, you're doing a lot. Art & fun. Best, Ruby
Pump it Good - House Artist!
Thanks so much for the great time at the benefit. The art, entertainment, smear splattered crowd and lavander chocolates made me dizzy with joy.
I was wondering if the roller derby was gonna be worth it. Sounds like I might have to give it a whirl! AND congrats on the sale!!!
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